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Current List Of All Rais Stoves Available In The US And Canada

Rais is a Danish company that sells wood and gas stoves, fireplaces, and accessories in Denmark, Norway, Sweden, the US, the UK, and Canada. This global presence can lead to some confusion based on different stoves being offered in different countries. If you are in the US, and you ended up on a website that has the UK lineup of stoves, you might be in for a surprise when you try to actually buy a Rais stove and find out that the one you were interested in is not available in the states.

To help ease some of the confusion, here’s the current (May 2019) list of Rais Stoves available in the US, and their MRSP suggested price:

Wood Stoves:

Natural Gas Stoves (convertible to propane stoves):

Outdoor Wood Fireplaces/Grills:

Discontinued and Sold Out Stoves (permanently unavailable):

Rais Wood Stove Baffle Installation

The upper baffles on all Rais wood stoves are very important – helping create the super-efficient secondary burn by shooting air down the front glass and ensuring complete combustion.

Installing the baffles, however, is quite tricky. In this quick video, we demonstrate taking the assembled baffle plate and lifting it up into place into the stove. Watch this if you are having trouble getting the baffles into your stove. Videos

We have a new Youtube channel where we will be adding a few videos of Rais Stoves, answering common questions, and demonstrating features of the stoves that we get asked about a lot. Check out our first two videos on the lighting process and secondary burning of a Rais Gabo Wood Stove.