Rais Viva 100 Gas
117049_Rais_AS_Environment_images_Scene_02_VIVA_L_100_Gas_Wood.2342634fVIVA L 100 Gas 1.c7029957

Rais Viva 100 and 120 Gas Stoves

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SKU: RAIS-VA1 Category:

Product Description

Rais Viva 100 Gas Stove and Rais Viva 120 Gas Stove

Newly introduced to the US and Canada in 2018, the Viva series are beautiful and incredible efficient. These are the gas burning versions of the Viva, similar to the wood burning versions but without the opening door, and with an automatic natural gas or LPG burner.


Standard with viewing window in door, optional side windows as an addition.
Available in black, nickle, and platinum, with white and brown available on special order.
Top or back flue outlet.
Classic, Deep, Stainless, or Soapstone top plate options.